
Cultivating a Bountiful Crop of Rest in Nova Scotia


Teachers need rest.

Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. – Ovid

We need rest in order to maintain our levels of compassion and empathy towards our students. We need rest in order to remain creative because creativity profoundly serves our lesson plans. We need rest to stay open to the change that learning requires.

This is how I’m taking a rest right now.

Home Cooking

Rapûre (rappie pie in English) is the traditional meal for Acadians from Nova Scotia. Click on the link to find the recipe for Clare‘s best selling rappie pie, Evelina’s Rapûre.

Some of you may not know this, but I’m of Acadian descent. This means I was raised francophone and my second language should be English. I, however, can’t see an identifying division between my two languages. My intention is to write a blog post of how this has affected me as an English teacher. Stay tuned for that processing.

Nova Scotia’s Beauty

un petit bergot (a periwinkle snail)
